At OSRICH, we understand the operational challenges in the base metal industry, which can be complex and time-consuming. That’s why we offer an agency partnership service that helps our clients overcome these challenges and achieve their goals.

Our agency partnership service is built on extensive relationships with major producers and end-users in the non-ferrous metal industry. This allows us to offer primary metal intakes, as well as secondary recyclable metal sourced from all over the world.

But we don’t just offer metals – we also facilitate the management of our clients’ operational challenges. Our deep knowledge of local markets, combined with our network of off-takers, brokers, bankers, insurers, and forwarders, enables us to provide cost-effective outsourcing solutions for our clients’ sales and operations.

At OSRICH we represent our clients’ best interests at all times, and our agency partnership service is designed to offer a range of benefits, including:

  • Streamlined operations: By outsourcing sales and operations to our team, our clients can focus on other aspects of their business, confident in the knowledge that their metals are being managed by experts, while securing a competitive margin.
  • Access to new markets: Our extensive network of industry contacts allows us to open up new markets for our clients, helping them to expand their reach and grow their business.
  • Increased efficiency: Our deep knowledge of local markets and relationships with key industry players enables us to navigate complex regulations and processes, reducing the time and resources our clients need to invest in these areas.

But what sets our agency partnership service apart from others in the market is our commitment to delivering results. Whether you’re looking to increase efficiency, expand your reach, or overcome other operational challenges, we have the expertise and experience to help you achieve your goals.


Are you a commodity trader looking to mitigate price risk and protect your margins? At OSRICH, we understand the challenges that you face in a constantly evolving market. That’s why we offer a comprehensive consulting service to help you navigate the complex world of commodity hedging.

Our team of experts has a deep understanding of market developments, global trading regulations, financial instruments, and commodities exchanges. We work closely with our clients to develop tailored risk management structures that are designed to meet their specific needs and protect their margins.

Whether you’re looking to mitigate price risk, manage supply chain disruptions, or comply with regulatory changes, our consulting service can help. We offer an integrated approach that is designed to optimize your spread exposure and protect your margins.

At OSRICH we’re committed to not only delivering value but also results to our clients. Our consulting service is built on a foundation of deep industry knowledge and a global network of trade specialists who are always on the cutting edge of industry developments.

But don’t just take our word for it – here are some specific examples of how our consulting service has helped clients in the past:

  • A global mining company was struggling to mitigate the risks associated with fluctuating commodity prices. Our team worked closely with them to develop a comprehensive risk management strategy that included the creation of an operational hedging facility. As a result, the client was able to protect their margins and achieve greater stability in a volatile market.
  • A leading trading house was facing supply chain disruptions due to geopolitical tensions. Our team helped them to develop a contingency plan that included alternative commercial route. This allowed our client to maintain a reliable supply chain and minimize disruptions to their operations.

We are committed to helping our clients succeed in a constantly evolving market. And be sure to check out our CBAM Guideline for more information on complying with the new regulatory framework for importing metals into the European Union.


OSRICH is also an investment firm active in both private and public market investments, capturing short- and long-term opportunities in all asset classes, segments, and geographies.

At OSRICH, we take a holistic approach to investing, seeking to generate attractive returns independently from market cycles. Our team of experts has a deep understanding of global markets and can help you navigate even the most complex investment landscapes.

But that’s not all – we’re also committed to making a positive impact on the environment. That’s why we’re active in carbon markets and believe that the carbon emissions trading is a necessary tool to tackle climate change and transition to a decarbonized economy.

Our purpose is to generate attractive returns while also making a difference. We do this by diversifying our activities into sustainable investments that align with our values. By investing in sustainable companies and projects, we’re helping to build a better future for all.



At OSRICH, we understand the operational challenges in the base metal industry, which can be complex and time-consuming. That’s why we offer an agency partnership service that helps our clients overcome these challenges and achieve their goals.

Our agency partnership service is built on extensive relationships with major producers and end-users in the non-ferrous metal industry. This allows us to offer primary metal intakes, as well as secondary recyclable metal sourced from all over the world.

But we don’t just offer metals – we also facilitate the management of our clients’ operational challenges. Our deep knowledge of local markets, combined with our network of off-takers, brokers, bankers, insurers, and forwarders, enables us to provide cost-effective outsourcing solutions for our clients’ sales and operations.

At OSRICH we represent our clients’ best interests at all times, and our agency partnership service is designed to offer a range of benefits, including:

  • Streamlined operations: By outsourcing sales and operations to our team, our clients can focus on other aspects of their business, confident in the knowledge that their metals are being managed by experts, while securing a competitive margin.
  • Access to new markets: Our extensive network of industry contacts allows us to open up new markets for our clients, helping them to expand their reach and grow their business.
  • Increased efficiency: Our deep knowledge of local markets and relationships with key industry players enables us to navigate complex regulations and processes, reducing the time and resources our clients need to invest in these areas.

But what sets our agency partnership service apart from others in the market is our commitment to delivering results. Whether you’re looking to increase efficiency, expand your reach, or overcome other operational challenges, we have the expertise and experience to help you achieve your goals.


Are you a commodity trader looking to mitigate price risk and protect your margins? At OSRICH, we understand the challenges that you face in a constantly evolving market. That’s why we offer a comprehensive consulting service to help you navigate the complex world of commodity hedging.

Our team of experts has a deep understanding of market developments, global trading regulations, financial instruments, and commodities exchanges. We work closely with our clients to develop tailored risk management structures that are designed to meet their specific needs and protect their margins.

Whether you’re looking to mitigate price risk, manage supply chain disruptions, or comply with regulatory changes, our consulting service can help. We offer an integrated approach that is designed to optimize your spread exposure and protect your margins.

At OSRICH we’re committed to not only delivering value but also results to our clients. Our consulting service is built on a foundation of deep industry knowledge and a global network of trade specialists who are always on the cutting edge of industry developments.

But don’t just take our word for it – here are some specific examples of how our consulting service has helped clients in the past:

  • A global mining company was struggling to mitigate the risks associated with fluctuating commodity prices. Our team worked closely with them to develop a comprehensive risk management strategy that included the creation of an operational hedging facility. As a result, the client was able to protect their margins and achieve greater stability in a volatile market.
  • A leading trading house was facing supply chain disruptions due to geopolitical tensions. Our team helped them to develop a contingency plan that included alternative commercial route. This allowed our client to maintain a reliable supply chain and minimize disruptions to their operations.

We are committed to helping our clients succeed in a constantly evolving market. And be sure to check out our CBAM Guideline for more information on complying with the new regulatory framework for importing metals into the European Union.


OSRICH is also an investment firm active in both private and public market investments, capturing short- and long-term opportunities in all asset classes, segments, and geographies.

At OSRICH, we take a holistic approach to investing, seeking to generate attractive returns independently from market cycles. Our team of experts has a deep understanding of global markets and can help you navigate even the most complex investment landscapes.

But that’s not all – we’re also committed to making a positive impact on the environment. That’s why we’re active in carbon markets and believe that the carbon emissions trading is a necessary tool to tackle climate change and transition to a decarbonized economy.

Our purpose is to generate attractive returns while also making a difference. We do this by diversifying our activities into sustainable investments that align with our values. By investing in sustainable companies and projects, we’re helping to build a better future for all.